
Since November 1994, our single focus with MCA® has been to make marketing & communications more effective, more efficient and always transparent and accountable.

The MCA/System is now a comprehensive cloud-based solution that provides for marketing & communications tracking, and new programmed input of business data. It includes decision support systems in marketing & communications, supported by automated dashboarding that connect the marketing & communications experts and the business managers with the information and the resources they need to work more effectively.

Our Commitment

As more brand owners want to improve their marketing and revenue performance capabilities, we are committed to making the power of MCA/System available quickly, cost effectively and with high quality support. This is the reason we launched a network of advisors trained on the MCA/System to empower your enterprise.

An MCA-enabled advisor is nearby: skillful, strategic & readily empowered to make the MCA/System work for you so that you can, within weeks, answer the three fundamental questions:
  • How effective are my marketing communications activities at generating brand equity, and how can we improve?
  • How efficiently are we managing communications?
  • Are our budgets well spent and our decisions leading to improved performance?

We are looking forward to helping your business deliver better marketing, so click now for a free consultation on how to design your MCA/System, with the help of an MCA-Advisor!

Always committed to better marketing.
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About MCA

BXG has developed a unique Voice of the Consumer (VoC) based Brand Experience methodology, universal ‘Brand Experience’ currency and analytics platform (powered by the Market ContactAudit® - MCA®) that provides quantitative category, market and brand-specific insights that inform responsible resource allocation and execution decisions and are strong predictors of brand health and market share growth. It measures and manages all elements of the Marketing & Communication mix empowering the Marketing function towards:


Rather than the input-based measures such as click-throughs and GRPs that have traditionally been used by marketeers, BXG uses true outcome-based MCA® Brand Experience metrics that correlate strongly with consumer choice and market share movement.
Ready to manage with...
The right metrics
A single currency model +
Brand Experience Points (BEP) and Brand Experience Share (BES) allow comparison across brands, markets, categories and over time.

Earliest indicator of marketing outcome +
Brand Experience Share (BES) is correlated to Market Share at over 80%.

Validated, transparent, flexible and fast +
Key business indicators and figures adaptable for local and category needs.

Universally applicable and comparable immediately +
Any market, any category including B2B/Professional

Level of granularity to suit local needs.
A frugal process
To integrate MCA with business data +
i.e. marketing budgets and market shares.

Including cloud based project management +
automated outputs, and a toolkit to support contact mix optimization and lookalike targeting.
Calibrated enablers
To empower all stakeholders +
towards fact-based marketing management.

To manage acceptance and change durably.

Including access to +
24/7 learning center, Library & Archives and automated Work in Progress.
Deliver Decision making solution for all stakeholders.

Performance metrics for the business +
- Optimize marketing mix management and resource allocation
- Implement accountability and best practices management in marketing
- Identify 20% to 30% cost efficiencies in marketing and communication budgets

Diagnostics for brand/marketing teams +
- Analyze the marketing and communication mix across all activities through consumer-led SWOTs
- Evaluate which brand’s marcom activities are: effectively contributing, in need of improvement, or should be reconsidered
- Conceive and execute brand initiatives that effectively and efficiently engage with consumers

What is better marketing?

  • 1

Grows market share & brand equity

  • Mass Media
  • Indirect
  • Digital
  • Sponsorship
  • Point of Purchase
  • Direct Contacts

Puts your resources where they work

To be transparent to all


Oscar Jamhouri, Founder & Chief Executive Officer

  • Expert in brand building with 15 years’ experience at BBDO Int’l;
  • Founded the BXG Group 25 years ago (previously Integration) to launch the brand experience industry and architect its MCA® global measurement;
  • Brought the practice of 6 sigma and process management improvements to marketing and brand building;
  • Relentlessly focused the Group’s mission towards building and globally deploying decision support systems in marketing & communications.

Mike Bambrick, Executive Director, Global Client Service

  • Expert in brand communications and strategic planning
  • Delivered more than 400 MCA® projects across 30 markets and all major sectors including consumer products, financial services, telecoms, consumer durables, pharmaceuticals, technology and automotive
  • Brings deep understanding of consumer journeys, touchpoint planning, how to maximise effectiveness and minimise wastage
  • Works with clients & partners to improve performance using MCA® based capabilities

Eric Dherte, Regional Commercial Director, Europe/LATAM

  • Joined the group in April 2005 as an MCA® Auditor, developing new business opportunities in Latin America.
  • Delivered more than 300 MCA® projects across 20 markets and all major sectors including consumer products, financial services, telecoms, consumer durables, pharmaceuticals, technology and automotive.
  • Has occupied senior positions in France, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, for 15 years and in fields such as sales, marketing, e-business, technology, operations and administration.
  • Has worked in product development, electronic banking services and distribution channels (call centres, internet banking, ATMs, etc.), as well as reengineering and process automation.


Engage with us on Marketing Effectiveness & Efficiency

Contact our Regional Directors
Mike Bambrick:
The Americas:
Eric Dherte: