Global Automotive Manufacturer

Funding for Global Innovation Program

  • Situation: The client identified a series of important marketing innovation programs that required funding
  • Role / Results: The company deployed MCA® in their top 16 markets. One of the primary focuses of the project was to identify non-working funds, defined as activities that were very small contributors of brand experience, appearing in the brands bottom 20% of brand experience, but being allocated large budgets and resources to implement. Over three years, they were able to free up over $66 million annually to re-direct towards their innovation programs.
  • This enabled the company to properly fund their ‘must win battles’ and marketing management could clearly demonstrate to their colleagues that they were making the best use of the resources they were given.

Improving Marketing Management Process

  • Situation: The client needed to establish a marketing system that enabled managers to be more agile and more accountable
  • Role / Results: The company deployed MCA® in one region, to validate the metrics and the approach. This proof of concept showed that the MCA® performance metrics (brand experience share) was a much better predictor of market share performance that their existing KPI (brand consideration). It also demonstrated that it was operational and actionable, because it provided the line of sight from spending and execution to in-market outcomes, and provided decision making support. The company is now adopting two new KPIs (brand experience share, and cost per brand experience). All marketing plans are now framed using brand experience goals and strategies. This provides the means for global and local teams to interact using a common currency.